Thursday 28 January 2016

OFSI at 2

Today, OFSI is turning 2 from its formal start as an organization but my advocacy for financial education started the day I learned about saving and investing more than 10 years ago. It started with the genuine desire to let fellow OFWs learn about personal finance.

Today is a good time to look back at the good times and the challenging times. It also a great opportunity to look forward to a brighter future.

When OFSI turned one last year, I was in Manila at PICC attending The Feast of one of the greatest influences in my financial and spiritual life, that of Bro Bo Sanchez. In my prayers, it dawned on me that my advocacy gave more meaning and purpose to my being an OFW. My almost 20 years as an OFW is a story of many OFWs - constantly longing to be home, not only to be with our loved-ones but to be able to pursue other endeavors back home. But our desire to break the cycle of poverty in our families keeps us focus in what we do.

As OFSI turns two with more than 500 OFWs in the Middle East who attended our sessions in both LIVE and Online, I am deeply humbled with this opportunity to be an instrument of change to fellow OFWs and their families. The experiences changed me tremendously. I became more prayerful as I offer to HIM the challenges that we are facing. It gave me a sense of purpose as a Filipino in a foreign land.

Many people asks me about my long term vision of the group and how can I sustain our advocacy. I always tell them that in many instances, God provided our needs. But today, as we turn 2, I dream that our advocacy will become irrelevant someday. I long for that day when our advocacy for financial education for Filipinos specifically for OFWs will no longer be needed because it is already part of our institutions as a nation. And that I live long enough to see that the next generation of Filipinos who longer need to leave their family and friends behind just to earn for their dreams. I am praying that I live long enough to see a more united Filipino families.

OFSI is a modern day bayanihan of OFWs and their families, helping one another in reaching financial freedom and abundance. 

As OFWs, we know how difficult it is to be away from HOME. We do not wish the next generation of Filipinos to experience the same.

To my OFSI family - cheers to financial freedom and abundance of every OFW families!!! It is such a big blessing to be part of a great community... 

#OFSIat2 Overseas Filipinos Stocks Investors (OFSI)